The Word Lectionary Guide
Year A: December 2– December 30, 2007
This issue of The Living Pulpit offers insight into the depth and power of the concept of Word in our lives. From thoughtful musings on the mystery of the word (Copenhaver, Reiner), to consid¬erations of the “Word made flesh” (Bailey), to the powerful and uniting aspects of the Word (Burghardt, Schaeffer, Mosser), the writers of this issue bring you a bountiful offering to aid your own reflections on the Word dur¬ing the final quarter of 2007. Within these pages you will find encouragement and assistance in helping your congregations broaden their visions as we con¬tinue to be God’s people in a fragile and fractured world.
This lectionary guide not only outlines the lectionary read¬ings for the quarter but also ref¬erences relevant articles within this issue of The Living Pulpit. The basic readings are from the Revised Common Lectionary (RCL). If the Roman Catholic, Episcopal, Lutheran, or United Methodist readings differ signifi¬cantly they are indicated by (R), (E), (L), and UM), respectively. When these major bodies agree, there is no symbol given. The brief annotations after each pas¬sage offer a quick reference to the contents of the passage.
Proper 22 (Green) October 7, 2007
(RCL) Lam 1:1–6, the poet compares the fallen Jerusalem to a grieving widow; Lam 3:19–26, in the midpoint of the book of Lamentations the poet holds out some hope for the people of God, or Hab 1:1–4; 2:1–4, the prophet cries out to God about injustice and God replies,
or (R, L) Hab 1:2–3; 2:2–4, see above,
or (E) Hab 1:1–6, (7–11), 12–13; 2:1–4, see above,
or (UM) Lam 1:1–6, see above.
(RCL) Ps 137, a psalmist’s cry of despair from the Babylonian exile (Allen offers suggestions for preaching this and all of the RCL October psalms ) or Ps 37:1–9, admonishment to wait upon the Lord,
or (R) Ps 95:1–9, a didactic wisdom psalm,
or (E,L) Ps 37:1–10, see above,
or (UM), Ps 137, see above.
(RCL) 2 Tim 1:1–14, the author expresses thanksgiving for the faithfulness of the recipient and calls the recipient to be a faithful witness to the gospel message (Bailey offers eloquent illustrations of faithfulness to the gospel message).
(RCL) Lk 17:5–10, Jesus
instructs the apostles on service.
Proper 23 (Green) October 14, 2007
(RCL) Jer 29:1, 4–7, God speaks a word through the prophet to the exiles living in Babylon, or 2 Kings 5:1–3, 7–15c, Naaman learns that Israel’s God is the only God,
or (R) 2 Kings 5:14–17, see above,
or (L) 2 Kings 5:1–3, 7–15c, see above,
or (E) Ruth 1:1–7, 8–19a, the opening of the story of Ruth and Naomi
or (UM) Jer 29:1, 4–7, see above.
(RCL) Ps 66:1–12, “Make a joyful noise to God, all the earth” (Allen), or Ps 111, a psalm of praise,
or (R) Ps 98:1–4, a call to the people to sing praises to their vic¬torious God,
or (E) Ps 113, a psalm of praise,
or (L) Ps 111, see above,
or (UM) Ps 66:1–12, see above.
(RCL) 2 Tim 2:8–15, the author continues to admonish the recipient to remain faithful.
(RCL) Lk 17:11–19, story of the ten lepers ties, one of whom returns to offer praise.
Proper 24 (Green) October 21, 2007
(RCL) Jer 31:27–34, a prophecy of the new covenant to be written on the hearts of the people, or Gen 32:22–31, Jacob wrestles at Peniel,
or (R) Ex 17:8–13, Moses instructs Joshua in the battle with Amaklek,
or (E) Gen 32:3–8, 22–30, see above,
or (L) Gen 32:22–31, see above,
or (UM) Jer 31:27–34, see above.
(RCL) Ps 119:97–104, por¬tion on love for the law in the psalter’s longest hymn (Allen), or Ps 121, “I lift up my eyes to the hills…”
or (R,E, L) Ps 121, see above,
or (UM) Ps 119:97–104, see above.
(RCL) 2 Tim 3:14–4:5, fur¬ther admonition to carry on faithful ministry.
(RCL) Lk 18:1–8, the parable of the widow and the judge (Mosser).
Proper 25 (Green) October 28, 2007
(RCL) Joel 2:23–32, a prom¬ise of the outpouring of God’s spirit, or Sir 35:12–17, the writer warns against insincerity in offer¬ing sacrifices, or Jer 14:7–10, 19–22, an appeal for God’s mercy,
or (R) Sir 35:12–14, 16–18, see above,
or (E) Jer 14 (1–6), 7–10, 19–22, see above,
or (L) Sir 35:12–17, see above or Jer 14:7–10, 19–22, see above,
or (UM) Joel 2:23–32, see above.
(RCL) Ps 65, psalm of praise, or Ps 84:1–7, an expression of longing for God (Allen),
or (R) Ps 34:2–23, the psalmist expresses praise and the reasons for offering praise,
or (E) Ps 84, see above, or Ps 84:1–6, see above,
or (UM) Ps 65, see above.
(RCL) 2 Tim 4:6–8, 16–18, the writer declares his own faith¬fulness.
(RCL) Lk 18:9–14, the para¬ble of the Pharisee and the tax collector.
Proper 26 (Green) November 4, 2007
(RCL) Hab 1:1–4; 2:1–4, see above (Oct 7) or Isa 1:10–18, the prophet declares God’s frustra¬tion with the sacrifices of the people (Sappenfield),
or (R) Wis 11:22–12:1, expla¬nations of previous suffering,
or (E,L) Isa 1:10–20, see above,
or (UM) Hab 1:1–4; 2:1–4, see above.
(RCL) Ps 119:137–144, the psalmist delights in the law even in times of trial, or Ps 32:1–7, a psalm of deliverance,
or (R) Ps 145:1–14, praise to God,
or (E,L) Ps 32, see above,
or (UM) Ps 119:137–144, see above.
2 Thess 1:1–4, 11–12, saluta¬tion and thanksgiving portions of this letter,
or (R) 2 Thess 1:11–2:2, see above.
(RCL) Lk 19:1–10, Jesus and Zacchaeus (Sappenfield).
Proper 27 (Green) November 11, 2007
(RCL) Hag 1:15b–2:9, Haggai’s first oracle leads to rebuilding of the temple, or Job 19:23–27a, Job longs to have his words permanently engraved (Sappenfield ties this reading together with the gospel reading for today).
or (R) 2 Macc 7:1–2, 9–14, a story of martyrdom,
or (E,L) Job 19:23–27a, see above,
or (UM) Hag 1:15b–2:9, see above.
(RCL) Ps 145:1–5, 17–21,
psalm of praise, or Ps 98, psalm of praise, or Ps 17:1–9, an indi¬vidual lament,
or (R, E, L) Ps 17, see above,
or (UM) Ps 145:1–5, 17–21, see above.
(RCL) 2 Thess 2:1–5, 13–17, admonition to hold firm in the faith until the coming of the lord,
or (R,E) 2 Thess 2:13–3:5, see above.
(RCL) Lk 20:27–38, Sadducees confront Jesus with questions of the resurrection (Sappenfield).
Proper 28 (Green) November 18, 2007
(RCL) Isa 65:17–25, Isaiah declares God will create a new heaven and a new earth, or Mal 4:1–2a, a message of hope for the righteous (Sappenfield),
or (R) Mal 3:19–20, the righteous will be vindicated by God
or (E) Mal 3:13–4:2a, 5–6, see above,
or (L) Mal 4:1–2a, see above,
or (UM) Isa 65:17–25, see above.
(RCL) Isa 12, Prophet calls on the people to sing of God’s salvation, or Ps 98, psalm of praise,
or (R,E,L) Ps 98, see above,
or (UM) Isa 12, see above or Ps 118, psalm of thanksgiving.
(RCL) 2 Thess 3:6–13, the writer exhorts the readers/hearers against being idle.
(RCL) Lk 21:5–19, Jesus describes events that will take place in the last days (Sappenfield demonstrates how this reading and the Malachi reading speak to the issue of eternal authority).
Christ the King Reign of Christ (White) November 25, 2007
(RCL) Jer 23:1–6, God will gather up the remnants of the people and raise up a leader among them (Sappenfield), or (R) 2 Sam 5:1–3, David overtakes the Jebusite city and claims it for his own.
(RCL) Lk 1:68–79, Zechariah’s blessing (Benedictus), or Ps 122:1–5, Jerusalem is praised as the dwelling place of God,
or (R) Ps 122:1–5, see above,
or (E,L) Ps 46, the psalmist declares God’s presence in times of trouble,
or (UM) Lk 1:68–79, see above.
(RCL) Col 1:11–20, the author of this letter exalts in the redemption available to humani¬ty through God’s Son (Schaeffer).
(RCL) Lk 23:33–43, Jesus’ request for forgiveness for his persecutors (Sappenfield).
Year A:
First Sunday in Advent (Purple) December 2, 2007
(RCL) Isa 2:1–5, the prophet looks ahead to future glory days of Israel (Russell offers sugges¬tions on how to “liberate our visions with prophetic imagina¬tion”).
(RCL) Ps 122, see above (Nov 25).
(RCL) Rom 13:11–14, Paul admonishes the readers/hearers to live honorably in Christ
or (E) Rom 13:8–14, see above.
(RCL) Mt 24:36–44, Jesus speaks of the necessity to be pre¬pared for the coming Son of Man (Russell).
Second Sunday in Advent (Purple) December 9, 2007
(RCL) Isa 11:1–10, the prophet tells of a ruler to come from the root of Jesse who will have the spirit of the Lord (Tying together the OT and NT passages for this Sunday, Russell focuses on new visions for the church).
(RCL) Ps 72:1–7, 18, 19, the psalmist invokes God’s blessing
on the king.
(RCL) Rom 15:4–13, just before closing his address to the Romans Paul calls on all to wel¬come one another in Christ.
(RCL) Mt 3:1–12, John the baptizing one comes into Judea’s wilderness preaching repentance.
Third Sunday in Advent (Purple) December 16, 2007
(RCL) Isa 35:1–10, Isaiah here describes the post–judgment renewal of Israel (Russell).
(RCL) Ps 146:5–10, a psalm of blessing for those who hope in the Lord, or Lk 1:47–55, the Magnificat of Mary,
or (R, E,) Ps 146:4–9, see above,
or (L) Ps 146:4–9, see above, or Lk 1:47–55, see above,
or (UM) Lk 1:4–55, see above.
(RCL) Jas 5:7–10, a plea for patience until the coming of the Lord.
(RCL) Mt 11:2–11, John’s disciples come to Jesus with a question.
Fourth Sunday in Advent (Purple) December 23, 2007
(RCL) Isa 7:10–16, prophecy of a young woman who will bear a son whom she shall call Immanuel (Russell).
(RCL) Ps 80:1–7, 17–19, a psalmist’s plea for restoration
or (R,E) Ps 24:1–7, a psalm of praise for the creator God,
or (L,UM) Ps 80:1–7, 16–18, see above.
(RCL) Rom 1:1–7, salutation of Paul’s letter to the Romans.
(RCL) Mt 1:18–25, Matthew’s telling of the birth of Jesus (Burghardt, Russell).
Christmas 1 (White) December 30, 2007
(RCL) Isa 63:7–9, the begin¬ning of a song of lament,
or (R) Sir 3:2–6, 12–14, a les¬son in family values,
or (E) Isa 61:10–62:3, an expression of longing for restora¬tion of Jerusalem.
(RCL) Ps 148, psalm of praise,
or (R) Ps 128:1–5, a wisdom psalm,
or (E) Ps 147, a psalm of praise.
(RCL) Heb 2:10–18, Jesus Christ came to be one with humankind and to offer himself as an atoning sacrifice,
or (R) Col 3:12–21, the author calls his readers/hearers to live a compassionate life, includ¬ing being subject one to another (see Bingham for powerful illus¬trations),
or (E) Gal 3:23–25, Paul’s description of the Law as a tem¬porary custodian; 4:4–7, Paul goes on to speak of God’s send¬ing Jesus, born under the law.
(RCL) Mt 2:13–23, Joseph and Mary and the child flee to Egypt and then make their home in Nazareth (Russell),
or (E) John 1:1–18, prologue of the Gospel of John.