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Quotes on Sustainable Earth

Submitted by on July 16, 2021 – 11:05 pmNo Comment

The Earth is…

The whole earth is a living icon of the face of God.

— St. John Damascene (749 AD)

Everything that is in the heavens, on earth, and under the earth is penetrated with connectedness, penetrated with relatedness.

— Hildegard of Bingen

In science we have been reading only the notes to a poem; in Christianity we find the poem itself.

— C.S. Lewis

The Earth is what we all have in common.

— Wendell Berry

Like music and art, love of nature is a common language than can transcend political or social boundaries.

— Jimmy Carter

It seems to me that the natural world is the greatest source of excitement; the greatest source of visual beauty; the greatest source of intellectual interest. It is the greatest source of so much in life that makes life worth living.

— David Attenborough

Threats to the Earth

Earth provides enough to satisfy every man’s need, but not every man’s greed.

— Mahatma Ghandi

The plundering for profit of the world’s natural resources has threatened the very sustainability of the planet.

—John McDonnell

Nature cannot wait any longer. The ecological question is the central issue of the survival of mankind. 
—Dalai Lama

Let us hear the cry of the earth, wounded in a thousand ways by human greed. Let us allow her to remain a welcoming home, in which no one feels excluded. 
—Pope Francis

Big companies are reliant on institutional investors on a punishing schedule which leads to ruthless behaviour. This form of capitalism with this structure and incentives will never deliver sustainability.

— Tim Jackson

Far and away, the greatest threat to the ocean, and thus to ourselves, is ignorance. 

— Sylvia Earle

The greatest threat to our planet is the belief that someone else will save it. 

— Robert Swan

Personal Action/Responsibility

Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world;

Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has.

—Margaret Mead

To believe in something and not to live it is dishonest.

—Mahatma Gandhi

If you don’t like the way the world is, you change it…one step at a time.

— Marian Wright Edelman

The world is changed by your example, not by your opinion.

— Paulo Coelho

I only feel angry when I see waste.  When I see people throwing away things we could use.

—Mother Teresa

At a point where we are losing species and where human life itself is threatened by climate change, the church, by acting on it, is saying that this is a moral issue and something that everyone needs to look at seriously. 
— Betsy Blake Bennett

We don’t have to engage in grand, heroic actions to participate in change. Small acts, when multiplied by millions of people, can transform the world.

— Howard Zinn

The Earth will not continue to offer its harvest, except with faithful stewardship. We cannot say we love the land and then take steps to destroy it for use by future generations.

— John Paul II

The ultimate test of man’s conscience may be his willingness to sacrifice something today for future generations whose words of thanks will not be heard.
— Gaylord Nelson

Anything else you’re interested in is not going to happen if you can’t breathe the air and drink the water. Don’t sit this one out. Do something. You are by accident of fate alive at an absolutely critical moment in the history of our planet.

— Carl Sagan

Spend some time outdoors exploring where you live. When you love your home, you’ll fight harder to protect it.

— Kira Simpson

I like to envision the whole world as a jigsaw puzzle … If you look at the whole picture, it is overwhelming and terrifying, but if you work on your little part of the jigsaw and know that people all over the world are working on their little bits, that’s what will give you hope.

— Jane Goodall

Listen up, you couch potatoes: each recycled beer can save enough electricity to run a television for three hours.

— Denis Hayes

Your money is power, so be aware of the products you’re buying and the companies you’re supporting to make sure you’re helping the companies that are leading the way in sustainability.

— Gretchen Bleiler

Buy less, choose well, make it last. 

— Vivienne Westwood

Refuse what you do not need; reduce what you do need; reuse what you consume; recycle what you cannot refuse, reduce, or reuse; and rot (compost) the rest.

— Bea Johnson

Use it up, wear it out, make it do, or do without.

— New England proverb

“It’s only one straw,” said 8 billion people.

— Unknown

Corporate/Systemic Action

We do not inherit the Earth from our ancestors; we borrow it from our children.
— Native American Proverb

Because we don’t think about future generations, they will never forget us.

— Henrik Tikkanen

A politician thinks of the next election. A statesman of the next generation.

— James Freeman Clarke

Treat the Earth as though we intend to stay here.

— Crispin Tickell

The need to transform the world’s energy economy while addressing global climate change is not only a religious and moral imperative, it is a strategy for security and survival. 
— The Jewish Energy Covenant Campaign

A nation that destroys its soils destroys itself. Forests are the lungs of our land, purifying the air and giving fresh strength to our people.
— Franklin D. Roosevelt

We have forgotten how to be good guests, how to walk lightly on the earth as its other creatures do.
— Barbara Ward

Going back to a simpler life based on living by sufficiency rather than excess is not a step backward.

— Yvon Chouinard

If it can’t be reduced, reused, repaired, rebuilt, refurbished, refinished, resold, recycled, or composted, then it should be restricted, redesigned or removed from production.

— Pete Seeger

Sustainability makes good business sense, and we’re all on the same team at the end of the day. That’s the truth about the human condition.

— Paul Polman

After all, sustainability means running the global environment – Earth Inc. – like a corporation: with depreciation, amortization and maintenance accounts. In other words, keeping the asset whole, rather than undermining your natural capital.

— Maurice Strong

The concept of corporate social responsibility (CSR) has long been used as an effective lens through which to examine the actions business can take toward ensuring mutual long-term well-being and sustainability.

— Klaus Schwab

The sustainability revolution will, hopefully, be the third major social and economic turning point in human history, following the Neolithic Revolution – moving from hunter-gathering to farming – and the Industrial Revolution.

— Prince Charles

Like all major transitions in human history, the shift from a linear to a circular economy will be a tumultuous one. It will feature heroes and pioneers, naysayers and obstacles, and moments of victory and doubt. If we persevere, however, we will put our economy back on a path of growth and sustainability.

— Frans van Houten

Sustainability is…

Sustainability, ensuring the future of life on Earth, is an infinite game, the endless expression of generosity on behalf of all.

— Paul Hawken  

Sustainable development is the development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs. 

— Gro Harlem Brundtland

Sustainability is no longer about doing less harm. It’s about doing more good.

— Jochen Zeitz

But now sustainability is such a political category that it’s getting more and more difficult to think about it in a serious way. Sustainability has become an ornament.

— Rem Koolhaas

Often, sustainability is discussed only in the context of energy. Energy sustainability is essential – but the word has a much broader meaning. It means long-term thinking about how we manage our businesses, invest in social spending, and plan for the future. This requires vision and leadership, and it requires citizen engagement.

— Joe Kaeser

We have to have a way of dealing with this that engenders confidence, trust, gives us every chance of getting the right outcome and boosts both sustainability and economic return at the same time.

— John Anderson

Sustainability is not just about adopting the latest energy-efficient technologies or turning to renewable sources of power. Sustainability is the responsibility of every individual every day. It is about changing our behaviour and mindset to reduce power and water consumption, thereby helping to control emissions and pollution levels.

—Joe Kaeser

Sustainability can’t be like some sort of a moral sacrifice or political dilemma or a philanthropical cause. It has to be a design challenge.

—Bjarke Ingels

You never change things by fighting the existing reality. To change something, build a new model that makes the existing model obsolete.

— R. Buckminster Fulle

It angers me when sustainability gets used as a buzz word. For 90 percent of the world, sustainability is a matter of survival.

— Cameron Sinclair

Sustainability is a political choice, not a technical one. It’s not a question of whether we can be sustainable, but whether we choose to be.

— Gary Lawrence

Sustainability is here to stay, or we may not be.

— Niall FitzGerald

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About the author

Darla Dee Turlington wrote 34 articles for this publication.

The Rev. Dr. Darla Dee Turlington is an ordained American Baptist pastor who served twenty years at the First Baptist Church of Westfield, NJ, the last nine as Senior Pastor, retiring in June 2010. She has been an adjunct professor at New York City area colleges and currently is on the Governing Board of the Ministers Council of the American Baptist Churches USA, the Board of Visitors of the Divinity School of Wake Forest University, and the Advisory Team of American Baptist Women In Ministry.

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