Articles in Pastoral Reflections

“The earth is the LORD’s and all that is in it.”–Psalm 24:1
When Professors Mary Tucker and John Green of the Forum on Religion and Ecology (currently at Yale University) were working on a project of …

On any given evening in any urban neighborhood in the United States, it is possible to forage through grocery store dumpsters for an array of food worthy of the tables in Solomon’s Temple. Thousands of …

According to Psalm 24:1, “the earth is the Lord’s, and all that is in it, the world, and those who live in it.” Typically, this type of ownership implies that the owner is personally responsible …

The Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. famously summarized the 19th century abolitionist Theodore Parker thus: “The arc of the moral universe is long, but it bends towards justice.”
The apostle Paul reminds us that God “reconciled …

A year ago nobody could have imagined what we would experience every day under the COVID-19 pandemic. This unexpected pandemic has thrown us into an unwelcome new normal, reshaping our ordinary lives drastically. For those …

For many modern Bible readers, the words “dream” and “vision” are equivalent, which is unsurprising as the Bible itself often uses these terms in parallel. But the two are not the same. While visions can …

“I don’t want this pandemic. I don’t want to be stuck inside my home. I don’t want to be locked out of my favorite coffee shop. I don’t want to wonder if I’m going to …

In many societies and traditions in the Ancient Near East, “dreams have been regarded as having fortune-telling relevance.” [1] In many ways, relevance is the result of the very nature of the dream. Because dreams are “uncontrollable …

Like many of us in this extraordinary year, I have found myself at times taking refuge in small comforts and amusements. Of the many internet memes that have given me a much-needed laugh during the …

As a child, my mother often encouraged me to dream. She would add, “and if you are going to dream at all, dream big.” Her guidance helped me understand that while our current reality is …

A little boy who held a sign that read “I MATTER” stood among a throng of protestors who were streaming down the highway, chanting “No Justice! No Peace!” This scene has played again and again …

The American dream is a big house in the suburbs, a white picket fence, 2.5 kids and an SUV in the driveway. The American dream is to make it all by yourself and owe nothing …