Articles in Lectionary

by the Editors
Epiphany through the Fifth Sunday in Lent; January through March, 2012

By Keith Russell
Reflections on the Lectionary Readings for December 2010

by J. Gerald Janzen
Reflections on the Lectionary Reading for November 2010

by David Bartlett
Reflections on the Lectionary Readings for October 2010

By Rev. Dr. Keith Russell
Reflections on the Lectionary Readings for July

Tania Oldenhage
Reflections on the Lectionary Readings for August

By Rev. Dr. William J. Sappenfield
Reflections on the Lectionary Reading for September 2010.

By Rev. Dr. Rebecca Pugh Brown
Reflections on the Lectionary Readings for April

By Rev. Dr. David Lee Jones
Reflections on the Lectionary Readings for June

By Keith A. Russell
Beginning with the third Sunday of February and going through the month of March, the church enters the Lenten season. The challenges to the preaching during the Lenten season are several. First, we need to overcome the tendency to equate Lent with personal self-denial as in “what are you giving up” for Lent. Secondly, we need to examine our own needs as we move toward the Holy Week/Easter period. Can we help other to experience something fresh about God? Can we deepen our hunger for the reign of God? Can we focus our need away from consuming to searching or desiring in such a way to reflect the psalmist’s plea “that as a hart longs for cooling waters, so my soul long for God.”?

By Keith A. Russell
Epiphany of the Lord, Baptism of the Lord, Second Sunday after the Epiphany, Third Sunday after Epiphany, Fourth Sunday after the Epiphany