Articles in Headlines

I want to begin my introductory editorial comments with the expression of much gratitude to all my predecessors, especially the most immediate, Rev. Dr. Jin Hee Han whose calm yet compelling call to me to …

Dear Friends,
Many of our religious traditions have become silent or subdued regarding the once-robust theme of divine justice. Some of us might recall the days of the Great Awakening, which gave us the passionate preacher …

Dear Friends,
In the midst of many challenges that threaten to overwhelm us, the publishing team of The Living Pulpit is filled with thanksgiving as we bring online this issue on dreams and visions. We are reminded yet …

Dear Friends,
Year 2019 presented many challenges to our ministry at The Living Pulpit. In the middle of the year, our website crashed, and it took a team of professionals and volunteers to have the site …

Dear Friends,
Throughout the centuries, feasting has served God’s creatures in many ways including the redistribution of wealth and the nurturance of solidarity among the feasters. The topic of the current issue is meant to be …

Dear Friends,
Migration has been a frequent headline in recent days, and our writers shed light on the particular configurations of contemporary situations while reminding us of the large-scale nature of migration as a human condition …

Dear Friends,
The authors in this combined issue of summer and fall remind us that it is a good time to dream. I draw this conclusion not because they declare that the contemporary era is ridden …

by Jin Han
We will find the spiritual quest of the faithful bearing fruit through the shared ministry that promotes the pursuit of honoring God. A cloud of companions is featured under the cover of this issue, ranging from the biblical psalmist to medieval and modern theologians. I trust that in receiving this collection of wisdom on spirituality, our readers are in for a treat thanks to our authors who have spread the blessings of heaven broken into down-to-earth morsels.

by Jin H. Han
A young but meaningful landmark is celebrated in the Reconciliation issue and opens a discussion that goes hand in hand with the seasonal theme of Rejoicing. The troubles that The Confession of 1967 attempted to reconcile are still being addressed, and the waiting often obstructs our view of God’s invitation to rejoice as new creation. The contributions gathered in this combined issue challenge us to continue any and all labors that spread peace and reconciliation for all.

by Jin Hee Han
The current issue showcases how the modern thrust of CONNECTIVITY may get into a delightful conversation with traditional theological affirmations, such as the incarnation as God connecting with us. As we browse through this issue, we will encounter witnesses to the reign of God, who guides us through messy confusion that has become all too common in human history.

by Jin Hee Han
Easter confirms the promise of transformation (metamorphosis). Nature has been transformed, and hope is renewed. Our preachers and theologians in this issue call upon us to dare to hope and pursue the path of transformation with a note that our posture is more of a receiver than of a maker of the change.

by Jin Hee Han
Our spring offering of 2015 brings together articles written by scholars and practitioners whose work can be nicely summed up as that of bridge-building. This theme is in line with the kind of service rendered for the reign of God by preachers of local churches, facilitators of lay empowerment, and others who are engaged in specialized ministries in our multifaceted society.
Our contributors to this issue may appear to be realists when they shed light on challenges that abound. Their key points, however, underscore that “in all these things we are more than conquerors through [God] who loved us” (Rom 8:37).