Articles in Featured

by Kathleen Geraty Davis
Spiritual direction has ancient roots in religious communities and among spiritual seekers. Within the past few decades, it has become much more widespread as more lay people are discerning a call and finding access to programs throughout the world designed to teach and form them to be spiritual directors. Spiritual direction is found in multiple faith traditions but the goal is universal. Spiritual directors, first and foremost seek to help others deepen their relationship with God (or however what is Sacred and Holy is named) through regular meetings, ongoing contemplative practice and committed presence to the endless movement of Spirit.

by Jeff Dailey
Dailey introduces us to using other writings to preach the Word of God and illustrate theological concepts, those of John Donne, the “Holy Sonnets.” Eight years younger than Shakespeare, English writer John Donne lived from 1572 to 1631. Donne was one of the greatest poets in the English Renaissance, yet was conflicted. Even living in a violent era where physical well-being was precarious, he experienced more than the usual amount of death and conflict. Donne used poetry to experience God, a relationship that was not always pleasant. But he also used his poetry to reconcile with God, and to come to a greater understanding of the divine.