Articles by Robert LaRochelle
The Rev. Dr. Robert R. LaRochelle holds a DM in Preaching from Chicago Theological Seminary. He is pastor of Second Congregational Church, UCC, in Manchester, CT, and also serves as a high school counselor. His books include: Part Time Pastor, Full Time Church; Crossing the Street; and So Much Older Then. A workshop leader and conference speaker, he has conducted webinars for the Center for Progressive Renewal and Parish Resource Center. He and his wife Patricia have three adult children.
by Robert LaRochelle
While falling attendance is a problem for many churches, the answer as to how to stop that trend may lie in how newcomers perceive the congregation—not by having a welcoming committee of a few select members, but by extending genuine hospitality by everyone to everyone.
By Robert LaRochelle
Current economic realities and trends in church demographics have led an increasing number of churches to consider downsizing the job description of their pastors from full-time to part-time.
By Rev. Dr. Robert R. LaRochelle
The recent controversy that has erupted over President-Elect Obama’s decision to invite Rev. Rick Warren to give the invocation at his Inauguration points to ongoing issues each preacher must confront concerning the role of the preacher in commenting on public policy, all part of the larger matter of the relationship between proclaiming one’s religious faith and translating that faith into specific political proposals on local, state and national issues.
by Robert LaRochelle
The actions we take and the choices we make reflect if we are followers of Christ, children of God, doing the very best we can with our talents, gifts and strengths.