Articles by Nancy Bloomer
The Rev. Dr. Nancy H. Bloomer is an Episcopal priest who teaches at Champlain College in Burlington, Vermont, and is deeply engaged in a host of environmental activities. She is a frequent contributor to this magazine.
by Nancy Bloomer
It is difficult to conceive of a single, isolated human in a state of shalom. An important aspect of shalom—which I understand to mean
perfection, wholeness, health, and fullness—is belonging. Being rooted in and connected to a community in all its particularity of people,
place, and things is a necessary ingredient for a sustained sense of well-being.
By Rev. Dr. Nancy H. Bloomer
Preaching about the environment is a challenge many of us in the church have shied away from. The church’s attention seems to be on other matters; and yet, we need to wake people up so that we can heal the earth and heal ourselves.
By Rev. Dr. Nancy H. Bloomer
In the course of human history the market was the place where urban dwellers went to buy the essentials of life: the food and other items needed for survival.