Articles by Marvin A. McMickle
Marvin A. McMickle, DMin, PhD, is pastor of Antioch Baptist Church in Cleveland, Ohio, where he has served since 1987. In the past twenty years, the church has thrived and become one of the most influential African-American congregations in the city. McMickle is one of the most respected preachers in the nation. In recognition of his accomplishments, he was named the recipient of the 2006 Ralph Garfield Schell Presidential Award for Excellence in Ministry. In addition to his pastorate, McMickle serves as professor of homiletics at Ashland Theological Seminary.
By Rev. Dr. Marvin A. McMickle
The phenomenal growth of Pentecostal movements within African American communities has been one of the most significant developments in Christianity in the United States. It is safe to say that the history of African American Christianity can be divided into three phases of denominational influence: the Methodists in the nineteenth century, the Baptists in the twentieth century, and Pentecostal groups in the twenty-first century.
by Marvin A. McMickle and Keith A. Russell
Reflections on the Lectionary Readings for April 2008.