Articles by Jill Schaeffer

Rev. Dr. Jill Schaeffer is a minister member of the Presbytery of New York City and Visiting Associate Professor of Ethics at New York Theological Seminary. She holds a Ph.D. in philosophical theology from the Graduate Theological Union at Berkeley. Dr. Schaeffer served for 13 years overseas with the World Alliance of Reformed Churches and the Reformed Church of France primarily in human rights and as a bi-lingual translator for the Evangelical Community for Apostolic Actions (CEVAA).

by Jill Schaeffer
This essay suggests how the works of two deeply faithful and creative men, born two centuries apart, may generate a single act of worship. Martin Luther’s commentary on The Lord’s Prayer is joined wordlessly with Johann Sebastian Bach’s chorale on The Lord’s Prayer in the Clavier-Übung, more commonly known as The German Organ Mass. Luther’s influence on Bach’s music was pervasive and indelible. This particular influence on Bach’s compositions is well timed with Reformation celebrations in the town of Eisenach in 1739.

by Jill Schaeffer
A city is the whole shebang living within the Word of God. Preaching to and out of an urban scene locates the lives and stories generated in that scenario dwelling within the Word. There is nothing that cannot be said or proclaimed that lies outside that Word. And nothing foretold that has not been anticipated through that Word.

by Jill Schaeffer
The author offers us a challenge: to read and interpret for ourselves her unique rendition of how an imagined breakdance might be performed on a city street. Her style is rhyming poetry that gives the choice to go with it or hang back. Going with it can be interesting and revealing—hanging back is an opportunity missed.

by Jill Schaeffer
Scripture is the blank page on which the human imagination writes.