Articles by Donald Odom
The Reverend Dr. Donald L. Odom is a graduate of New York Theological Seminary, and Associate Minister at First Baptist Church of Crown Heights in Brooklyn, New York.
by Donald L. Odom
Does Christian liberty suggest our freedom in Christ allows us to be passive concerning the least, last and the lost? What is our responsibility as Christians towards the disinherited and disenfranchised, and what does Christ’s love look like when we remain silent while others around us struggle? Christian liberty requires work within the Body of Christ to speak loudly and recurrently for the invisible and voiceless.
by Donald L. Odom
There are many examples of people overcoming obstacles through endurance. Sometimes endurance is a physical attribute, but it can also reflect mental toughness. The author shares his own need for endurance when he was diagnosed with cancer and he wondered, “Why me?” And later he learned that our growth in God depends on continuing to mature in faith to overcome our challenges.
By Donald L. Odom
Caregivers are often guilty of not practicing what they preach. They make sure appointments are kept; and point out the little things that could be overlooked to ensure everything is in order. We ministers as caregivers and may find our plates overflowing and yet unable to say no, or to ask for help. To achieve maximum efficiency, we need to take care of ourselves beyond our responsibilities to the church and ministry