Articles by Carmen Nanko-Fernandez
Carmen Nanko-Fernández is Professor of Hispanic Theology and Ministry at the Catholic Theological Union in Chicago, IL, where she also directs the Hispanic Theology and Ministry program. Her publications include the book Theologizing en Espanglish: Context, Community and Ministry (Orbis Books, 2010). A past president of the Academy of Catholic Hispanic Theologians of the United States (ACHTUS), she was a recipient of the Virgilio Elizondo Award for distinguished achievement in theology.
by Carmen Nanko-Fernández
One of the most profound Christian teachings is the incarnation. There is little development in the gospels of this audacious claim that the divine entered the human condition as one of us. John proclaims the Word became flesh and dwelled in our company and both synoptic gospels provide insights into the incarnation, establishing the humanity of Jesus from birth.