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Articles by Chris Lawrence


Chris Lawrence is the Pastor of the Church of the Living Hope in East Harlem. Chris spent most of the previous 25 years being a community organizer and associate pastor in Hackney, London UK, working most recently as a stipendiary Minister with the United Reformed Church. He has a passion for “small is beautiful” neighborhood-focused ministry and church planting in urban poor communities. He loves being a husband and dad, married to Naomi who is a street artist, with two kids. A newcomer to the USA and New York (they arrived in April 2014) he is developing a strong loyalty to East Harlem and is able to find many opportunities there to continue his lifelong interest in all things Mexican. He is currently licensed as a UCC Pastor.

Revitalizing an Urban Church: Biblical Foundations
August 17, 2015 – 2:06 pm | Comments Off on Revitalizing an Urban Church: Biblical Foundations
Revitalizing an Urban Church: Biblical Foundations

by Chris A. Lawrence

Pastoral leadership and community organizing in East Harlem require patience and urgency. Jeremiah 29:5-7 and Isaiah 65:17-25, examples of “the city in the Bible,” can help shape our vision for contemporary urban church planting.